Peter Seidenberg (GGM) and Scott Ferguson (M) could do no wrong today, each scoring a bullet in their respective race #1 and Scott going on to lead in race #2 only to have the race cancelled halfway through -argh!
According to Scott the racing was really hard, it was shifty, puffy and streaky. Again, everyone left the dock at around 11 am only to get teased with a nice thermal that didn’t last. The race committee was gearing up for a race when the thermal got snuffed out with cloud cover. Everyone picked up and moved to take advantage of the new gradient breeze and a race was completed in 5-10knots. At around 4pm a strong breeze filled in from the south with 15+knots and big waves and race #2 was underway. On the “standard masters” course, Scott was in the lead on the 4th leg at the weather mark when the race committee decided to abandon the racing. I know that Scott would have preferred them to have shortened the course and call the finishes right there but… the RC knows the area and, like clockwork, the breeze shut off. It was the right decision.
I have to mention Marc Jacobi as he is not a regular in fleet 413 but he is from CT (close enough) and sails with the gang in many of the same events. Marc is also sailing in the “standard masters” division and pulled off a “horizon job” today on his course! He is now tied for third with our own fleet 413 Dr. Mark Bear. After today’s racing the “standard masters” will be split into a Gold fleet and a Silver fleet. The racing in the Gold fleet should be pretty exciting to say the least!
Another note…. Peter Seidenberg would have had two bullets on the first day of racing but had to retire after the first race (RAF) as he realized that he had forgotten to round the offset mark. Yes, a “senior moment” ….I think that they should allow for one free senior moment in the sailing instructions, don’t you!
Photos: Peter Seidenberg and Scott Ferguson... happy at the end of the day
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